Orthopaedics & Podiatry Feature Articles

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New hope for asthma sufferers
The Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) is launching a trial to investigate if a rheumatoid arthritis medication could have applications for asthma sufferers.
Genes identified for fracture susceptibility and osteoporosis risk
The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute's researchers have played a leading role in a recent study into osteoporosis, more than doubling the number of currently known genes ...
Oral bacteria may be linked to joint replacement failures
The culprit behind a failed hip or knee replacements might be found in the mouth.
Study reveals how anaesthesia causes jet-lag
Researchers from The University of Auckland have discovered why people feel as though they have jet-lag after surgery, and the findings may have implications for post-operative ...
Blood clot risk 'higher' in overweight women
A major study by researchers from the Universities of Otago and Oxford has found that overweight and obese middle-aged women are at much higher risk of developing potentially fatal ...
Targeted therapies may help treat Ewing's Sarcoma Tumours
A pair of targeted therapies shrank tumors in some patients with treatment-resistant Ewing's sarcoma or desmoplastic small-round-cell tumors, according to research led by investigators ...
Hip replacement patients at 'no more risk' of developing cancer
Patients who have had metal-on-metal hip replacements are no more likely to develop cancer in the first seven years after surgery than the general population, although a longer-term ...
Can a common stomach bug eradication make aspirin safer?
Researchers have launched a major clinical trial to investigate whether eliminating a common stomach bug could help to make taking aspirin safer in some patients.
Cervical disease sufferers could benefit from HPV vaccine
Women who are diagnosed with pre-cancerous cervical conditions after receiving the HPV vaccine can still benefit from a considerably reduced risk of reoccurring disease, according ...
Think twice before knee surgery
A La Trobe University study has shown that after knee reconstruction surgery, around 40 per cent of people do not return to their previous level of sports participation.
Inter-arm difference in blood pressure indicates survival
Patients suffering from high blood pressure who have different blood pressure (BP) readings in each arm are at a reduced chance of survival over 10 years, according to a study ...
Heavy backpacks storing up back problems in school-kids
Significant numbers of teens regularly carry rucksacks for school which top 10 to 15 per cent of their body weight and risk back pain and other related disorders, according to a ...
DNA sequencing to improve muscular dystrophy diagnosis
Scientists at The University of Nottingham have used a revolutionary new DNA-reading technology for a research project that could lead to correct genetic diagnosis for muscle-wasting ...
Rheumatoid arthritis linked to irregular heart rhythm
People with rheumatoid arthritis are at a greater risk of irregular heart rhythm (known as atrial fibrillation) and stroke compared with the general population, according to a study ...
Children’s brain injuries do not get worst over time: study
Children's development after a brain injury does not get worse over time, a Murdoch Childrens Research Institute study has found.
Research gives clues to muscle wasting in elderly
Permanent disconnection between nerves and muscles may be the reason behind progressive loss of muscle mass and function in elderly people, Perth-based researchers have found.
Tell the doctor about your alternative pain relief medicines: NPS
NPS issued a media release late last year supporting the TGA’s decision to cancel four prescription pain relief medicines containing dextropropoxyphene from 1 March 2012.
iPads show the way forward for viewing medical imaging
Tablet computers such as the iPad are becoming more and more popular, but new research from the University of Sydney means they could soon be used in hospitals as a tool for doctors ...
Counterfeits and undeclared ingredients of online drugs
The risks associated with self-medication have been amplified by the ability to buy prescription, non prescription and complementary medicines as well as 'recreational' drugs online, ...
Exercise can improve health and wellbeing of cancer patients
Exercise can improve the health of cancer patients who have completed their main cancer-related treatment according to a study published on bmj.com.
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