Homecare & Consumer Medical Feature Articles

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Solution to prevent Needlestick Injury
The Numedico team recently came across this astounding research about needlestick injuries in the US.
International Diabetes Day
November 14 is National Diabetes Awareness Day, and we'd like to use this opportunity to acknowledge this disease as one of the world's deadliest.
The Importance of Independence
Everyone should have the opportunity to live independently with dignity. As we age, sometimes we need a little bit of help.
How many hours of sleep do you get?
Sleep is an amazing thing, it can have so many positive effects to your body and mind.
Staying in touch with your mental health can add years to your life.
How to Store Your EpiPen this Summer
An EpiPen is a type of epinephrine injection device administered in the upper mid thigh when someone is experiencing a severe allergic reaction.
What Should be Included in a Camping First Aid Kit?
Whether you’re camping with your family, with a school group or on your own, it’s important to have the right first aid supplies with you to deal with any emergencies that arise.
Bunions - Ouch!  12/28/2021
Bunions - Ouch!
A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of your big toe. It occurs when some of the bones in the front part of your foot move out of place. Appropriate footwear ...
Are Wrist Blood Pressure Monitors Accurate?
Whether it’s to treat hypertension, during pregnancy, in athletic pursuits, or just to monitor your health more closely – many more people are tracking their blood pressure at home ...
Your hands can save a life – the importance of bystander CPR 
No one wants to be faced with the unthinkable, someone dropping to the ground and ceasing to breathe. Would you be prepared? Could you, as a bystander act quickly to administer CPR ...
This is a story about a remarkable set of circumstances and a remarkable family who have overcome many obstacles.
Living with MS - Alison's Story
“I have more energy at work and can do more at home after work because of the support and assistance the VELA chair provides.“
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