Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery Feature Articles

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Are you at increased risk of sudden cardiac arrest?
Do you know if you're at risk of sudden cardiac arrest? Would you know what to do? Here's some of the more common risk factors and things to look out for.
Tips for taking accurate blood pressure readings
Using blood pressure monitors at home is an easy way to not only understand more about what those two little numbers mean to our health, they can also give us better control over ...
Dr. Sara Nikravan "Lung ultrasound" short-lecture series
Dr Sara Nikravan "Lung ultrasound" short-lecture series. In part 1 Dr Nikravan introduces point of care lung ultrasound, reviews relevant artifacts and lung sliding.
Quick guide Introduction to transthoracic echo
The more you see, the more you can do | Learn why POC echo is valuable in the care of patients.
Do you know the difference between cardiac arrest and heart attack?
Making sure you do, and knowing where the nearest AED is just might save a life.
What exercises can I do to help lower my blood pressure?
If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times—regular exercise helps reduce high blood pressure. But beyond the general definition of exercise, what exactly does that ...
Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar to Heart Health
A spoonful of sugar may help the medicine go down (metaphorically speaking), but what about a spoonful of apple cider vinegar?
St Luke's University Health Network Creates System-Wide Consistency and Efficiencies for Ultrasound
St. Luke's University Health Network has experienced unprecedented growth over the last few years. The non-profit health network, founded in 1872, has expanded following a series of ...
Alkaline foods that can reduce your blood pressure.
Eating a more alkaline-based pH diet can provide numerous benefits to your body.
Tips to help reduce blood pressure
High blood pressure (or hypertension) is often referred to as the “silent killer” because it can be symptomless, but it causes serious health issues.
What’s “Clinically Validated” got to do with blood pressure monitoring?
“Clinical validation” is one you’ll frequently read on blood pressure monitor packaging. But “clinically validated” can mean a number of different things – and not all monitors are ...
New Guidelines for Blood Pressure
In November of last year, the American Heart Association (AHA), the American College of Cardiology and nine other groups recently redefined high blood pressure.
Nutritious sustainable food vital to health of Australians
Australia’s future health depends strongly on the whole population having affordable, equal access to nutritious food that is produced sustainably - the core focus of the Food Futures ...
Can doctors regain credibility in the fight against obesity
If you are one of the thousands of physicians and nurses tipping the scales into unhealthy territory, you’re losing credibility with your patients.
What are you waiting for? Register now to save lives
This year’s DonateLife Week theme – Everyone is a potential donor. What are you waiting for? - is critical because we need many more registered organ and tissue donors.
Calls to increase CPR education following new data on survival rates
Almost 60% of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients do not receive bystander CPR despite its potential to more than double survival rates, according to new research by Monash ...
Test identifies which chest pains are at low risk of heart attack
Researchers have shown a single blood test could identify which patients reporting to hospital with chest pain were at low risk of imminent heart attacks.
Disadvantaged women at greater risk of heart disease than men
Women from low socioeconomic backgrounds are 25 per cent more likely to suffer a heart attack than disadvantaged men, a major new study has found.
AMA releases plan to eradicate Rheumatic Heart Disease by 2031
The AMA recently called on all Australian governments and other stakeholders to work together to eradicate Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD).
One-third of emergency patients need help with drug & alcohol problems
One-third of people presenting to NSW emergency departments have underlying drug and alcohol problems, yet only a small number get appropriate treatment, UNSW research has found.
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