PPE & Infection Control Feature Articles

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The importance of the cleaning stage before sterilisation
Cleaning prior to sterilisation is key and an essential part of the process irrespective if it is manual or mechanical using ultrasonic baths or using thermo disinfector washers.
Eye protection in healthcare areas
Protective glasses designed to guarantee maximum safety without compromising safety and design
Childhood Heart Disease
Childhood heart disease is a general term that covers a range of conditions that affect the normal workings of the child's heart.
Important Factors to Consider Before Purchasing a Vaccine Fridge
It's easy to fall into the trap of bargaining for the "best price possible" and getting the lowest product when purchasing a vaccine fridge for your pharmacy or medical practice.
7 Things you can do to prevent coronavirus
7 Things you can do to prevent coronavirus
Importance of Healthcare Keyboards to Keep Infections at Bay!
Realizing the importance of keyboards in healthcare environments
Innovate and Protect - Now is the Time for Change
If there is one thing the pandemic has taught us, it is that we cannot keep referring to old procedures, data and technology and expect them to be what is required to keep us safe ...
What is Bio-Misting? It is a method of dispensing chemicals and disinfectants via a fine mist which is mechanically sprayed from a bio-misting machine.
Wet wipes can spread germs, say experts
Whether you're scrubbing off make-up, freshening up your hands or giving those kitchen or bathroom surfaces a quick wipe down, the humble wet wipe has become a cleaning stalwart for ...
How to monitor your medical fridge's temperature
Vaccines must be kept at the proper temperature at all times. They can be destroyed and ruined if they are not, which can be very costly.
UV Angel Technology Helps Dental Service Organisation Grow 25% During Global Pandemic
How one dental service organisation grew their business in the face of a global pandemic by collaborating with UV Angel to implement next-generation pathogen control technology.
Cutting Through the Dirt on Disinfectants
How to make the best decision for your environment - through COVID-19 and beyond.
3 Things You Need To Consider When Using A Body Box During COVID-19
Plethysmography, or lung function testing, faces a whole new set of safety considerations in the COVID-19 world.
How To Perform Complete PFT Safely During COVID-19 And Beyond
Pulmonary function testing (PFT) has a whole new set of safety considerations in the COVID-19 world.
The Cardiac Implications of Novel Coronavirus
American College of Cardiology issues a clinical bulletin to update cardiologists about cardiovascular impacts of the COVID-19
Point-of-Care Lung Ultrasound findings in novel coronavirus disease-19 pnemoniae
A case report and potential applications during COVID-19 outbreak
Lung ultrasound for COVID-19
Expert physicians propose new international standards
Discussing the use of point-of-care ultrasound for evaluating COVID-19 patients
Increasingly, hospitals are using point-of-care ultrasound to evaluate patients with COVID-19.
COVID-19 Lung Ultrasound
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