Australian Hearts

Australian Hearts

Across the country, 41 Australians die from a sudden cardiac arrest every single day. This is 41 families each day losing a loved one – it could be a mother, father, grandparent, daughter or son. 41 hearts, 41 tragedies every single day. And most of these deaths are completely preventable. If only an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) was in reach. That’s why the Australian Hearts campaign is calling on the community, business and government to work together. We want to see an Australia where, if a friend or workmate has a heart attack, you’ll be able to find an AED within 3 minutes. We know if it can be done that fast, your friend has a real chance of making a full recovery. Improved access to AEDs isn’t just a good idea. It will ensure everyone gets a second chance at life. Show some heart, sign the petition to demand AEDs be mandatory in every workplace. We are all in this together, so let’s send a message to our decision-makers to mandate the use of AEDs in Australian workplaces, because we need to see AEDs within 3 minutes of 90 per cent of Australians. With 41 tragedies every day in Australia, let’s all help drive the change.