Debunking Sharps Injury Myths

Accidentally puncturing the skin with a sharp object, such as a needle, scalpel, or other medical instruments, causes a needlestick or sharps injury.

These injuries are common in healthcare settings but can also occur in other industries where sharp objects are used.

It sometimes comes down to busting prevalent misconceptions about these problems to avoid severe and preventable sharps injuries. Here are the common myths in the healthcare setting along with some clarity and perspective on the truth behind the common misconceptions cited in an article from AORN.


Myth: Sharp injuries are most often reported, but there is still a lot that is not!

Truth: Experts estimate that injuries are only reported about 50-60% of the time.


Myth: Sharps or needlestick injuries do not pose a significant risk of occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

Truth: Sharps injuries inside the operating room could expose patients and workers to bloodborne diseases and cause high-risk legal and liability situations in any hospital.


Myth: There aren't many injuries from needle sticks among healthcare personnel.

Truth: Nearly every healthcare professional reports having experienced at least one contaminated needlestick or sharp injury in their career.


Myth: The majority of doctors employ engineering measures to lessen sharps injuries.

Truth: Despite the potential for increased safety, physicians are still reluctant to employ these devices.


It is much simpler for facility management to concentrate on preventive measures, procedures, and technology that keep your healthcare staff and patients safe and injury-free once these beliefs have been refuted.


Say goodbye to discomfort, disease spreading, and needle exposure with the ClickZip Retractable Safety Syringe and Numedico’s safety needle range! For more information about the ClickZip Retractable Safety Syringe and Numedico’s safety range, visit