Emotional intelligence: Enhancing success in the workplace

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Emotional intelligence is a prized skill in any workplace.
Emotional intelligence is a prized skill in any workplace.

Where there is emotional intelligence in the workplace, there are likely to be happy, and productive employees who work as a team.

The ability to recognise the feelings of others offers vast opportunities for success in the workplace, that are just waiting to be tapped.

Emotional intelligence in the workplace is all about using the skills of empathy, and body language to your advantage, and to the advantage of others. The great thing about this type of intelligence is that there are no losers involved in its use. There can only be winners, because emotional intelligence is a positive measure, employed to gain insight.

The insight made is generally about the feelings and needs of others. It may be that the needs of a client are not verbally expressed, but an employee, using emotional intelligence, reads between the lines, adds in knowledge gained via body language, and so is able to meet the client's needs beautifully after all.

Emotional intelligence also helps employees to work well together, and to practice productive teamwork. When employees have an understanding of how each other's minds work, and what makes them tick, they can help each other, and successfully work out who is best suited to which task.

An employer who has emotional intelligence is like gold. They are rare, and can help all systems in a workplace unite, and run smoothly. Such an employer uses empathic skills to encourage their employees to work well, and to feel appreciated. They are able to get the best out of everyone below them, and to liaise successfully with anyone above them. In short, they are the cog in the wheel of a fantastic business.

To gain more clarity about what emotional intelligence is in the workplace, and learn how to use it, employers, and their staff, can practice learning about non verbal communication, and how to think emotionally beyond what is usually expected of an average individual. A business that isn't average, and so is super successful, employs workers who are emotionally intelligent, and so are open to being sensitive to others innermost thoughts and feelings.

Emotionally intelligent people know that to be the best at what they do, they need to include everyone involved into any equation. By understanding their own needs, the needs of clients, and the needs of their company, and combining all three, they become excellent at their endeavors.

Emotional intelligence is partially instinctive, and partially a learned skill. This means that certain people have an aptitude for being emotionally intelligent, and that this art can be expanded upon, and even taught to an extent, to any employees in the workplace.

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