How to buy the right medical freezers for your facility

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Many medicinal goods, have strict temperature requirements which can be deactivated and have the potential to harm a patient's health if stored incorrectly.
Many medicinal goods, have strict temperature requirements which can be deactivated and have the potential to harm a patient's health if stored incorrectly.

It can be a difficult decision to buy the right medical freezers for your facility, particularly as there are many models with different features available.

It is important to get it right as medical goods stored incorrectly have the potential to harm your patients.

Check Temperature Stability

Arguably the most important factor to consider when buying medical freezers is the temperature control and stability. Many medicinal goods, such as varicella-containing vaccines, have strict temperature requirements which can be deactivated and have the potential to harm a patient's health if stored incorrectly.

In most cases, a stand-alone unit is preferable to a combined refrigerator/freezer, as this reduces the risk of airflow between the sections and stabilises the temperature control.

An internal fan can also help to improve air and temperature circulation, ensuring that all areas of the freezer are similar in temperature and there are no hot or cold spots.

Consider the Size

The volume requirements of the freezer for your medical facility are unique and a vital consideration in your decision. How many vaccines will you need to stock? Do you have other goods that will need to be frozen? How much room will you need?

It can be helpful to go through your stock take for at least the previous year, to get an understanding of your typical requirements. Add a little bit of extra room for security and you should have a good idea of the freezer size you will need.

Choose the Model

There are various types of medical freezers available:

  • Upright freezer
  • Chest freezer
  • Under-counter freezer

Each of these models has different advantages and disadvantages, and your unique situation will help to decide the best option for you. For example, an upright freezer is usually the easiest to use, particularly if you need to access the freezer often. Alternatively, the under-counter freezer is preferable if you have a small facility and need to save space.

Opt For Medical-Grade Quality

Most medical facilities will require a medical-grade freezer to cater for their storage needs of frozen goods and medicines. The temperature is superior to household-grade freezers and non-negotiable for facilities that need to store frozen vaccines.

For this reason, it is always best to opt for a medical-grade quality freezer to use in your facility. They may have a higher initial upfront cost, but most models are built to last and help to guarantee the safety of your patients.

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