Multi purpose health facilities progressing on schedule

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NSW Minister for Health, Reba Meagher, is pleased to report steady progress is being made on the Multi Purpose Service (MPS) facilities currently under construction in the communities of Bingara, Tingha and Warialda.

Meagher said the Multi Purpose Services will replace existing health service facilities with state-of-the-art designed buildings that will house aged care, acute hospital care and community health services.

"Having these services under one roof will enable efficiencies in care and treatment of patients as well as providing the flexibility needed to accommodate changes in health services well into the future," Meagher said.

Tingha MPS, being the smallest facility under construction, will be the first to be completed with occupation expected in April 2008.

Tingha health service manager Peter Norman said the building is taking shape with all frames up, the roof fitted, windows in and brickwork well underway.

"Some of the unused areas of the hospital have now been demolished to make way for the new access road. Further demolition of the hospital is expected to occur after we have moved residents, equipment and services across to the new building," Norman said.

Norman said NSW Health has funded the supply of equipment for the new facility, which will provide opportunities for even greater efficiencies for the new MPS.

He said some of the hospital's old medical equipment has been donated to Macintyre Lions Club for a project to supply loan equipment locally or send overseas after it has been renovated.

"Other old equipment is being sold with funds earmarked for use in the new MPS," he said.

Bingara MPS will be the next cab off the rank, with its occupation expected in early July 2008, and Warialda MPS in early August 2008. Building work has been staggered across the sites by the construction company, so their tradesmen can complete one site before progressing to the next.

Both the Bingara and Warialda MPS buildings have the frames well under construction and are preparing for the addition of the roof in the first few weeks of January. Windows, electrical work and air conditioning are already in place.

Some early demolition has occurred at each site. Bingara has seen the removal of its old Community Health building with these services being temporarily located within the existing hospital building. Warialda's old unused staff accommodation building has also been demolished.

Construction of a new staff accommodation at Bingara has commenced and should be ready for use in May 2008.

Warialda health service manager Sharon Baker said both Warialda and Bingara facilities are also receiving new equipment as part of the MPS upgrade.

"It will be wonderful to have a new facility as well as new equipment. We can hardly wait," Baker said.

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