Recognition for outstanding contributions to Aboriginal health

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Programs to improve renal health among Aboriginal people, encourage safe sex and reduce overweight and obesity in children are among the winners of the 2008 NSW Health Aboriginal Health Awards.

Minister Paul Lynch, NSW Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, presented the Awards on behalf of the NSW Minister for Health, and acknowledged the contribution made by the finalists and winners of the awards, towards improving health outcomes for Aboriginal people in NSW.

"The NSW Health Aboriginal Health Awards provide a valuable opportunity each year to recognise outstanding contributions of health care workers from across the state, and the quality of finalists and winners this year was outstanding," Minister Paul Lynch said.

"Through their professionalism and tireless commitment, this year's winners have helped steer the NSW Health system towards improving the health of Aboriginal people and closing the gap in life expectancy between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people."

The Minister's Award for Aboriginal Health was awarded to the Hunter New England Area Health Service initiative Good for Kids Good for Life. Equity - Focused Health Impact Assessment.

"This project brings together a variety of agencies, community groups and industry to provide practical information and new systems, to make it easier for Aboriginal children to be active and eat well," Lynch said.

Minister Lynch presented the Enterprise and Resourcefulness Award to the Pit Stop Men's Health Screening and Referral Program run by Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service, Greater Western Area Health Service, Bourke Aboriginal Medical Service and the Outback Division of General Practice.

"This is an innovative screening program specifically targeting male health issues - it will significantly strengthen awareness of men's health issues and provide men with referrals to health services," Minister Lynch said.

Director-General of NSW Health, Professor Debora Piccone AM presented the Director-General's Award to the Malabar Community Midwifery Link Service run by The Royal Hospital for Women.

The highlight of the evening was the induction into the Hall of Fame of Judy Johnson and Pam Greer. Johnson was honoured for her work with Bourke Aboriginal Health Service and Greer for her tireless work as an activist and mentor in the field of family violence in Aboriginal communities.

"The two women exemplify the passion and commitment of thousands of health workers across the state who are making a real difference to the health of Aboriginal people," Minister Lynch said.

The NSW Health Aboriginal Health Awards have received overwhelming support from the health care sector and the Aboriginal community and are sponsored this year by Baxter Healthcare.

Details of winners and finalists for the 2008 NSW Health Aboriginal Health Awards are available on the NSW Health website at

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