The Clean-Trace® Luminometer LX25 was designed based on user feedback with new functionality, a color touchscreen, and a modern ergonomic design.
After sampling, insert the Clean-Trace ATP Surface Test UXC or Clean-Trace ATP WaterTest H2O
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The Clean-Trace® Luminometer LX25 was designed based on user feedback with new functionality, a color touchscreen, and a modern ergonomic design.
After sampling, insert the Clean-Trace ATP Surface Test UXC or Clean-Trace ATP WaterTest H2O and within ten seconds, the luminometer measures, displays, and records the results. Data is transmitted wirelessly to the Quality Control Data Manager for analysis and reporting. Results are accurate, consistent, and highly repeatable.
Clean-Trace® ATP Monitoring System includes the Clean-Trace Luminometer LX25, Water Tests, and Control Data Manager
A lightweight, handheld, portable reader
Wireless data upload to the Quality Control Data Manager
To contact Anaeron Pty Ltd about NEOGEN Clean-Trace® Luminometer NG-LX25 use Get a quote.
The Clean-Trace® Luminometer LX25 was designed based on user feedback with new functionality, a color touchscreen, and a modern ergonomic design.
After sampling, insert the Clean-Trace ATP Surface Test UXC or Clean-Trace ATP WaterTest H2O and within ten seconds, the luminometer measures, displays, and records the results. Data is transmitted wirelessly to the Quality Control Data Manager for analysis and reporting. Results are accurate, consistent, and highly repeatable.
Clean-Trace® ATP Monitoring System includes the Clean-Trace Luminometer LX25, Water Tests, and Control Data Manager
A lightweight, handheld, portable reader
Wireless data upload to the Quality Control Data Manager
Customers: Hospitals, Emergency Services, Clinics, Aged Care, Childcare, Dental and Hospitality
Trade With Confidence. The supplier of this item is approved as a Verified Supplier. Business registration, contact details and locations have been verified. Anaeron Pty Ltd are also proudly displaying these credentials:
Hospitals, Emergency Services, Clinics, Aged Care, Childcare, Dental and Hospitality