CuddleCot™ body cooling system has been internationally recognised across the world as significantly helping parents who suffer the loss of a baby.
UK Made
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Dealing with the death of a baby is clearly an incredibly difficult event for parents and bereaved parents should be given the option of spending Time with their baby. Providing families Time through the use of the CuddleCot is internationally encouraged by midwives, bereavement practitioners, still birth/neonatal charities, and academics. Time allows the family to form an important bond with their baby; whether changing a nappy, dressing the baby, taking photographs or simply just staying close and this unquestionably helps families in dealing with their loss. The problem is that in a warm room the baby’s condition can deteriorate quickly, therefore cooling the baby is absolutely essential. Transferring to and from the morgue is now widely regarded as an outdated practice as it is traumatic for parents to repeatedly go through the separation process whereas the CuddleCot allows the family to spend every moment with their baby, precious moments where every minute counts.
Small at just 27cm x 23cm x 13cms
Light (control unit is 3.8kgs)
Portable – comes in a storage case
Flexible as can cool in any Schnuggle basket, moses basket, cot etc.
Whisper quiet
To contact Shotton Parmed about Flexmort CuddleCot Unit & Shnuggle Basket use Get a quote.
Dealing with the death of a baby is clearly an incredibly difficult event for parents and bereaved parents should be given the option of spending Time with their baby. Providing families Time through the use of the CuddleCot is internationally encouraged by midwives, bereavement practitioners, still birth/neonatal charities, and academics. Time allows the family to form an important bond with their baby; whether changing a nappy, dressing the baby, taking photographs or simply just staying close and this unquestionably helps families in dealing with their loss. The problem is that in a warm room the baby’s condition can deteriorate quickly, therefore cooling the baby is absolutely essential. Transferring to and from the morgue is now widely regarded as an outdated practice as it is traumatic for parents to repeatedly go through the separation process whereas the CuddleCot allows the family to spend every moment with their baby, precious moments where every minute counts.
Small at just 27cm x 23cm x 13cms
Light (control unit is 3.8kgs)
Portable – comes in a storage case
Flexible as can cool in any Schnuggle basket, moses basket, cot etc.
Customers: Health Dept Aust wide, Police, Universities, Funeral Homes, Veterinary
Trade With Confidence. The supplier of this item is approved as a Verified Supplier. Business registration, contact details and locations have been verified. Shotton Parmed are also proudly displaying these credentials:
Health Dept Aust wide, Police, Universities, Funeral Homes, Veterinary