Examination Chairs & Surgical Supplies

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Deluxe Surgical

Deluxe SurgicalExamination Chairs & Surgical Supplies

Examination Chairs & Surgical Supplies


Deluxe Surgical is a wholesale surgical supplies company offering an exclusive range of products to suit a variety of health professionals. Our customers range from the general public to podiatrists, physiotherapists, beauticians, hospitals and medical specialists.Founded in 1989 as a podiatry ...View more

Deluxe Surgical is a wholesale surgical supplies company offering an exclusive range of products to suit a variety of health professionals. Our customers range from the general public to podiatrists, physiotherapists, beauticians, hospitals and medical specialists.

Founded in 1989 as a podiatry supply company, Deluxe Surgical has expanded to supply premium quality specialist products to both the private and public health sectors. Both surgical and paramedical professionals have been served with the highest quality proven products for nearly twenty years.

Our mission at Deluxe surgical is to be a 'low cost' provider of high quality products.

Our product range is fully imported, meets Australian Standards and is TGA approved;

• Lemi -Treatment/ Examination Chairs Italy
• Luhrmann – Instruments (Podiatry) Germany
• Darco – Post-Op Surgical Shoes U.S.A
• Mocom – Bench top Autoclave Italy
• Globus – Pre-moulded Innersoles Germany
• Delmed – Nail Drill Germany

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Deluxe Surgical prides itself on prompt delivery of high quality products at the most competitive price whilst still maintaining friendly customer service. Our representatives have expert product knowledge to effectively communicate the benefits of each product to our customers.

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