This kit is used to split and contour ridges using a slow speed implant handpiece. The pilot drill and saw provided are used to split the mandible or maxilla during the ridge augmentation process. The contouring burs are used to flatten the slope of the ridge. Each bur has a different level of aggressiveness, controlling of the level bone removed.
Included Components
SDGDL-02-2.0mm stainless steel pilot drill
SD-SAW-07 -7.0mm contra angle saw
SD-SAW-09 - 9.0mm contra angle saw
CT-5.0 -5.0mm contouring bur
CT-7.0- 7.0mm contouring bur
SD-CS5 - 5 bur cassette
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This kit is used to split and contour ridges using a slow speed implant handpiece. The pilot drill and saw provided are used to split the mandible or maxilla during the ridge augmentation process. The contouring burs are used to flatten the slope of the ridge. Each bur has a different level of aggressiveness, controlling of the level bone removed.