This MegaTorque is a Vertical-off axe rotation rotary chair for otolith testing.
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The major clinical advantage of computerized rotational testing is the ability to produce angular accelerations that can be precisely controlled and repeated. Multiple stimuli of varying intensities can be applied to the vestibular system within a relatively short time. These tests allow evaluation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex and the optokinetic neural pathways in a manner that is not duplicated by alternative procedures.
To perform a VOR test, the movement of the chair must be as smooth as possible and without drift to avoid a directional preponderance. The MegaTorque (and all rotary chairs manufactured by Difra) are positionally controlled. So there is no drift in the movement, no vibration. The movement is also not disturbed by patient's movement on the chair.
80 Nm Direct drive motor. To avoid vibration in the movement there is no belting, no gearbox
Maximum programmable speed (250 degree/sec) and acceleration (240 degree/sec2)
Comfortable, adjustable chair can be tilted to 30 degree for caloric testing or reclined to the horizontal position for positional or positioning test
Low-noise slip rings permit the recording of ENG by means of electrodes and VNG using our video goggles. Up to 36 Slip rings
Fully controlled by our software DiSoft
All parameters are user programable : frequency, maximum speed, amplitude, etc ...
Connection to the computer by NAC bus (High Speed and Secure Serial Bus)
Up to 255 differents devices can be connected on this NAC Bus
Maintenance free motor
Delivered with a beautifull desk
3 phase power supply
With our Disoft software, different types of movement can be performed:
Visual vestibulo-ocular reflex tests
Cervical tests
Fixation tests
Sinusoidal Pendular test
Velocity Step Rotational test
Rotational test
Sinusoidal Harmonic Acceleration Test (SHAT)
Different positions can be programmed (For caloric testing for example)
To contact Sonic Equipment about Difra Instrumentation Megatorque Vestibulometry Cinetic stimulator use Get a quote.
The major clinical advantage of computerized rotational testing is the ability to produce angular accelerations that can be precisely controlled and repeated. Multiple stimuli of varying intensities can be applied to the vestibular system within a relatively short time. These tests allow evaluation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex and the optokinetic neural pathways in a manner that is not duplicated by alternative procedures.
To perform a VOR test, the movement of the chair must be as smooth as possible and without drift to avoid a directional preponderance. The MegaTorque (and all rotary chairs manufactured by Difra) are positionally controlled. So there is no drift in the movement, no vibration. The movement is also not disturbed by patient's movement on the chair.
80 Nm Direct drive motor. To avoid vibration in the movement there is no belting, no gearbox
Maximum programmable speed (250 degree/sec) and acceleration (240 degree/sec2)
Comfortable, adjustable chair can be tilted to 30 degree for caloric testing or reclined to the horizontal position for positional or positioning test
Low-noise slip rings permit the recording of ENG by means of electrodes and VNG using our video goggles. Up to 36 Slip rings
Fully controlled by our software DiSoft
All parameters are user programable : frequency, maximum speed, amplitude, etc ...
Connection to the computer by NAC bus (High Speed and Secure Serial Bus)
Up to 255 differents devices can be connected on this NAC Bus
Maintenance free motor
Delivered with a beautifull desk
3 phase power supply
With our Disoft software, different types of movement can be performed:
Visual vestibulo-ocular reflex tests
Cervical tests
Fixation tests
Sinusoidal Pendular test
Velocity Step Rotational test
Rotational test
Sinusoidal Harmonic Acceleration Test (SHAT)
Different positions can be programmed (For caloric testing for example)
Customers: Hospitals, Universities, Hearing Clinics, General Practitioners
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Hospitals, Universities, Hearing Clinics, General Practitioners