DISINFECTING your instruments

The intent of disinfection is to minimise the risk of infection to patients and the workforce from contaminated instruments.

The cleaning of reusable instruments prior to heat sterilization is a crucial, yet sometimes misunderstood, infection-control procedure. If biological contamination and other debris are not removed properly, the remaining mater can interfere with microbial inactivation during a sterilization cycle. This compromises the process.

The ultimate goal of infection control practices is to prevent infection from occurring in the first place. Special attention is needed to prevent cross-contamination when instruments are processed for reuse. Furthermore, all surgical instrument patient care utensils and reusable non-invasive instruments must be thoroughly washed and disinfected before they can be successfully sterilized. Since this cleaning and disinfection step is so crucial, the capabilities and quality of a facility’s washer/disinfector become critical factors for effective reprocessing and infection prevention.

Have you ever considered what it would cost you to be closed by the department?

Transform your clinic by using the state-of-the-art Sanitech Surgical Instrument Thermal Washer/Disinfector to wash and disinfect you reusable instruments, especially when your association states; you are required to comply with all necessary standards set by the Board of Australia in related to infection control including the reprocessing of instruments under AS/NZS 4187.

It is really incredible how such a simple decision will avoid the stress of cleanliness by utilizing an Australian made timeless SANITECH Series 8200 BENCHTOP SURGICAL INSTRUMENT THERMAL WASHER/DISINFECTOR. Visit www.sanitech.com.au/products to view all the features and benefits of the Sanitech Benchtop Surgical Instrument Washer/Disinfector.