Medical Emergency Quick Response Shelters ...

Giant Inflatables
Verified 4 years

Giant InflatablesMedical Emergency Quick Response Shelters

Verified 4 years

Medical Emergency Quick Response Shelters


Braeside, VIC

Cov testing article in Medical SearchAustralia’s first inflatable MOBILE TESTING Shelter enables outdoor testing for Covid19 to be a simple, safe and effective operation.Giant Inflatables Industrial believe that Covit-19 testing needs to be highly visible for people to get the message loud and ...View more

Cov testing article in Medical Search

Australia’s first inflatable MOBILE TESTING Shelter enables outdoor testing for Covid19 to be a simple, safe and effective operation.
Giant Inflatables Industrial believe that Covit-19 testing needs to be highly visible for people to get the message loud and clear. Our extensive experience in creating quickly deployable emergency response shelters sparked our idea to assist the Medical Testing industry to be agile and responsive.

Testing needs to be highly visible for the public to get the message and comfortable for the testing teams to work in.

With these simple variables in mind our team have built a range of SelfErecting Emergency Inflatable Tents that are designed to be simple and quick to deploy. Unlike ridged frame conventional tents and shelters in common use now our temporary shelters and Drive through emergency tents can be effectively deployed by inexperienced personnel.
Giant Inflatables Industrial is regarded as the industry leaders in inflatable portable rapid response shelter systems. The significant cost and time saved by our inflatable temporary structures highlight their role as the future for the industry.
With over 32 years of multi-industry experience our inflatable products are developed and collaboratively created to suit even the most complex of situations.

Our highly specialized design team includes staff with many years of on and off-site engineering and operational experience. Our years of applied knowledge ensures all our cutting edge inflatable products are not only up to your rigorous standards but comply with Australian and international standards as well!

With safety, compliance and usability at the forefront of all our Inflatable medical tents and Rapid deployment shelters, our unique team of designers, engineers and developers provide all our clients with a complete and comprehensive service.

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