M-VET collects the scientific and technological know-how of over thirty years of ASA Research and Development in a new generation of therapeutic devices branded ASAveterinary, entirely dedicated to animal health.
The benefits of the MLS® synchronised impulse are now enhanced through an optical fibre technology, which allows conveying higher intensity energy packets inside the tissues, in total safety.
To contact DLC Vet Pty Ltd about ASA Veterinary M-Vet Therapy Laser use Get a quote.
Effectiveness in animal health
M-VET collects the scientific and technological know-how of over thirty years of ASA Research and Development in a new generation of therapeutic devices branded ASAveterinary, entirely dedicated to animal health.
The benefits of the MLS® synchronised impulse are now enhanced through an optical fibre technology, which allows conveying higher intensity energy packets inside the tissues, in total safety.
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