Strong powder coated wire basket that is hung or mounted for document storage.
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Ultra-tough, powder coated, 5mm steel wire construction
External size; 390mm wide x 80mm deep x 230mm high
Internal size; 380mm wide x 60mm deep x 225mm high
Hang on the inside or outside of a stretcher end rail
Wall and accessory mounting options
Document holders can be used in a variety of ways for many different storage requirements. In the past we have mounted holders on either end or in special places around a stretcher, off accessories such as the dropdown foot board and even on the walls around the stretcher holding bays. We can customise sizes and designs and will work with you to ensure you can maximise department efficiency
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Ultra-tough, powder coated, 5mm steel wire construction
External size; 390mm wide x 80mm deep x 230mm high
Internal size; 380mm wide x 60mm deep x 225mm high
Hang on the inside or outside of a stretcher end rail
Wall and accessory mounting options
Document holders can be used in a variety of ways for many different storage requirements. In the past we have mounted holders on either end or in special places around a stretcher, off accessories such as the dropdown foot board and even on the walls around the stretcher holding bays. We can customise sizes and designs and will work with you to ensure you can maximise department efficiency
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