Fast: 10 seconds to result
Sensitive: As low as 10 µg protein per sample
Simple: No equipment required
ATP Testing
Receive 1-3 days from order
Many companies prefer to utilize our self-contained protein detection tests for their sanitation monitoring programs. AccuClean Advanced is intended to be used as a simple method to determine the cleanliness of food contact surfaces and equipment.
To contact Anaeron Pty Ltd about NEOGEN AccuClean® Advanced Rapid Protein Residue Test use Get a quote.
Many companies prefer to utilize our self-contained protein detection tests for their sanitation monitoring programs. AccuClean Advanced is intended to be used as a simple method to determine the cleanliness of food contact surfaces and equipment.
Customers: Hospitals, Emergency Services, Clinics, Aged Care, Childcare, Dental and Hospitality
Trade With Confidence. The supplier of this item is approved as a Verified Supplier. Business registration, contact details and locations have been verified. Anaeron Pty Ltd are also proudly displaying these credentials:
Hospitals, Emergency Services, Clinics, Aged Care, Childcare, Dental and Hospitality