Prestan AED UltraTrainer™ Unit x 4-Pack with English/Spanish Languages, 12 “C” batteries (installed), one set of Adult/Child Training Pads with unique Pad Sensing System, pads storage tray, instructions and carry bag.
Leading-edge AED Trainer that resembles brand AED Trainers in size and weight for a realistic training experience.
Clear confident voice prompts. Also CPR prompts to help the student keep pace with chest compressions.
Easy to replace module containing current CPR guidelines and two languages.
Rescue breath prompts that can be turned on or off.
Made in the USA and carries a 3 Year warranty.
To contact Priority First Aid about Prestan AED Ultra Trainer (4 Pack) use Get a quote.
Prestan AED UltraTrainer™ Unit x 4-Pack with English/Spanish Languages, 12 “C” batteries (installed), one set of Adult/Child Training Pads with unique Pad Sensing System, pads storage tray, instructions and carry bag.
Leading-edge AED Trainer that resembles brand AED Trainers in size and weight for a realistic training experience.
Clear confident voice prompts. Also CPR prompts to help the student keep pace with chest compressions.
Easy to replace module containing current CPR guidelines and two languages.
Rescue breath prompts that can be turned on or off.