Steri-7 Hand Rub is a non-alcohol foaming Broad Spectrum Hand Rub which complies with W.H.O. Requirements for hand hygiene. Steri-7 Biocidal Hand Rub is ideal for frequent users as it is designed to re-moisturise. Also comes in a 75ml foaming pump.
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Hand Hygiene is the single most important thing you can do to help reduce the spread of infections.
The most common way for germs to spread is by people’s hands. Wash your hands as often as possible and use Steri-7 hand rub to keep your hands cleaner for longer.
Features of this product
Offers innovative Reactive Barrier Technology
Protects for up to 3hrs after application
Highly effective - Contact us for Technical and Test Data
Dermatologically tested - Non Irritant, Non Perfumed, Moisturising
Hypo-allergenic, Non Alcohol, PH Neutral, Non Flammable
Works in soiled conditions
Product Code: S7HR600
To contact Anaeron Pty Ltd about Steri-7 S-7XTRA Hand Rub 600ml | Hand Sanitiser use Get a quote.
Hand Hygiene is the single most important thing you can do to help reduce the spread of infections.
The most common way for germs to spread is by people’s hands. Wash your hands as often as possible and use Steri-7 hand rub to keep your hands cleaner for longer.
Features of this product
Offers innovative Reactive Barrier Technology
Protects for up to 3hrs after application
Highly effective - Contact us for Technical and Test Data
Dermatologically tested - Non Irritant, Non Perfumed, Moisturising
Hypo-allergenic, Non Alcohol, PH Neutral, Non Flammable
Customers: Hospitals, Emergency Services, Clinics, Aged Care, Childcare, Dental and Hospitality
Trade With Confidence. The supplier of this item is approved as a Verified Supplier. Business registration, contact details and locations have been verified. Anaeron Pty Ltd are also proudly displaying these credentials:
Hospitals, Emergency Services, Clinics, Aged Care, Childcare, Dental and Hospitality