Snore No More says Merv Hughes

Sleep is the pillar of health, impacting our physical, emotional, and psychological wellbeing.

Often, patients with undiagnosed sleep apnoea do not realise they are not getting the quality of sleep required to function effectively. Correlating with comorbidities like obesity, it is not surprising that sleep apnoea is on the rise in Australia.  Recent research suggests one in ten Australian’s suffer from undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnoea with men in the 40-69 year old category particularly vulnerable, statistically as high as 49 %. 1 “Patients may complain about feeling constantly tired but it’s not until their cranky partner demands they do something about the incessant snoring that they take action. If only they knew how good they will feel after CPAP therapy and a good night’s sleep,” comments Bryce Perron, Managing Director of CPAP Direct and Sleep Testing Australia.

Having experienced firsthand the effects of sleep apnoea (and a cranky wife), Bryce has formed a business that is both holistic, affordable, and patient focussed. The patient’s journey is at the core of Sleep Testing Australia and CPAP Direct, interlinked businesses that operate independently. The united team of over 100 qualified staff ensure a positive patient experience that is seamless from start to finish. “My vision was to provide a 5-star service where patients and doctors alike can be looked after from referral through to diagnosis, therapy and beyond. I believe this approach is imperative in offering quality, holistic health care, “assures Bryce.  

Australian Cricketer, Merv Hughes was diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea after 25 years of snoring and strongly advocates a positive customer experience. “The CPAP Direct staff just made it so easy and a really pleasant experience; they are so knowledgeable and experienced with an answer for all of my questions, no matter how stupid they may seem.”

Sleep Testing Australia which operates out of the CPAP Direct stores, offers affordable, independently scored comprehensive studies and with testing kept in Australia, results are prompt, typically returned to physicians in 10-14 days. If patients are diagnosed positive for sleep apnoea, they can seamlessly transition to a CPAP trial through CPAP Direct and if continuing to purchase equipment, the one-month trail fee is reimbursed.  “Patient care and after sales service are our strong suit and we truly believe the journey doesn’t end when equipment is purchase,” says Bryce.    

“We have highly trained and accredited staff across the business nationally including pharmacists, sleep technicians, sleep scientists and nurses. I wanted the entire team to have firsthand experience of wearing a CPAP mask, so we ensure that all staff take home and use different CPAP devices and masks. We have found it provides great insight into the patient experience and encourages empathy and understanding.”

If you or someone you know thinks they have an issue with chronic snoring or sleep apnea, drop in to any of our stores Australia wide or contact [email protected] for more info.

Source: Chamara Visanka Senaratna,et all ‘Sleep apnoea in Australian men: disease burden, co-morbidities, and correlates from the Australian longitudinal study on male health’:


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