Star of the Sea Retirement Village's Laundry System Case Study

When we consider our loved ones and their transition into an assisted living facility, we often factor in things such as comfort, care, and of course their overall health and wellbeing.

Now more than ever, hygiene matters! Especially in healthcare and aged care facilities and an Electrolux Barrier Laundry system is the best defence against the spread of micro-organisms and cross infections through resident's laundry.

The Star of the Sea Retirement Village is a state-of-the-art aged care residence in Torquay situated amongst over 240km of stunning coastline with the very best laundry system to care for their residents.

Residents of the Star of the Sea Retirement Village in Torquay enjoy independent living whilst taking advantage of the resort-style facilities and community environment. Proudly displayed on the walls of the Star of the Sea aged care residence is a plaque which reads in bold blue writing, “Our residents do not live in our workplace, we work in their ‘home’.

During a recent tour of the Star of the Sea Retirement Village at its superb coastal location, Resident Services Manager Andrew Venosta explains, “one of the fundamental principles of the laundry service operations in residential aged care is to ensure minimisation and minimised risk of cross-infection”. “Everything we do here at Star of the Sea is about the residents in their home, their lifestyle and their quality of life at the end of the day.”

Andrew then goes on to state “with respect to our residents we need to be able to launder their clothing and we need to do it well, we need to ensure we can return it at an acceptable standard. We like our residents to be happy and looking good and feeling good about how they appear, so we need a laundry that enables us to achieve that.”

But the usage of the Barrier Laundry System doesn’t just stop at laundering clothing. The facility also utilises its Electrolux Barrier washers versatility to launder its dining sheets, napkins, bed linens, cleaning cloths, mop heads and more.

After getting a firsthand tour of the world class facilities at the Star of the Sea, Andrew proudly explained, “Electrolux were brought into the project right at the beginning because they have the expertise and we invited them to come and provide us with a scope and a brief for our laundry requirements. I would recommend the Electrolux machinery, it’s simple to use, it has had minimal maintenance and it’s well supported by the service aspects of the company.”

When it comes to hygiene control, Electrolux recognises that there is no room for compromise. Which is why aged care residences like the Star of the Sea Retirement Village trust Electrolux Barrier Washers to get the job done safely and efficiently.

Electrolux Professional is the global expert in linen hygiene and offers the broadest range of solutions and best program flexibility on the market.

Everything is developed in close cooperation with global hygiene experts to ensure your laundry and hygiene needs are met.