A trolley is just a trolley right? WRONG!
Sterilius is a cupboard trolley for sterile supplies manufactured in Denmark, which has been developed by Medic-Al in cooperation with the sterilisation department at Glostrup Hospital, Alucluster - knowledge and technology centre for aluminium and designer, Hans Christian Bauer, in a process referred to as user-driven innovation.
User-driven Innovation: During the designing, development and testing of the cupboard trolley for sterile supplies, focus has been on customers’ experiences and requirements.
Design: The Danish designer, Hans Christian Bauer.
Environment: Sterilius sets new standards within cupboard trolleys for sterile supplies by using environmentally friendly aluminium materials which ensure a long lifetime and a high degree of reutilisation while also providing an extreme durable design.
Ergonomics: An extremely easy-moving and stable construction (50kg) which, with easy gliding wheels and the option of individual positioning of the hands, foot-operated wheel brake with directional and overall brakes plus ergonomically correct operation, prevents physical strain.