The Sting chair by Tecnodent: the main player in advanced dental care.

The Sting Dental/Medical Chair by Tecnodent was chosen from among various contenders in a singular and cutting edge project

The Sting Dental/Medical Chair by Tecnodent was chosen from among various contenders in a singular and cutting edge project. This is thanks to the work of our French agent Herve Fontoin and our French distributor Sorhodes in Mornant.

Sting was selected from among many other Medcial/Dental Chairs to furnish the Green Cab, the frst mobile, cutting-edge and eco-sustainable Dental practice wished for by the regional union of health professionals (URPS) for dentists in the French region of Ardechè, set up in a recycled sea container of just 15 m2 and powered by solar panels.

“A study of the future rich in low voltage technological innovations, capable of wireless teletransmittion, also for diagnostic imaging, ESF and alarms” as Eric Lenfant, president of the URPS Chirurgiens-Dentistes Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, says.

We ae proud to support GreenCab which provides and innovative solutions to combat the problem of dental desertifcation in rural areas, commonplace in Europe. Thanks to its diecast aluminium structure and its slim, well- perfoming shape, Sting has proven to be the ideal choice for making even the smallest of treatment areas comfortable, sophisticated and efficient.

The Greencab project, implemented with the support of the AuRA Region, the department of Ardèche and the municipality of saint-Julien-en-Saint-Alban, involves the transportation of this mobile container to all those areas without dental practices to provide quickly and effectively everything a patient could desire regardless of where they may be living.

This concept has met with considerable success (in just 4 days 70 calls were received and in 10 days of opearating there were 400 calls to process). In the future it could even be exported to all those areas with extreme climatic conditions, so we at Tecnodent are already preparing to travel the world “on board Sting!”

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