Treatment Resistant Depression

Treatment Resistant Depression

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide

2 out of 3 of depressive episodes do not respond to first line medication

>300 Million people  globally suffer from 

TMS therapy may be the treatment that makes you feel like you again.

Statistics from the World Health Organisation

Treatment Resistance


The majority of depression episodes result in non-remission after first-line treatment with any chosen anti-depressant medication.


of patients with Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD)  respond positively to TMS therapy

Is TMS Therapy Safe?

TMS is approved by several recognized bodies including the FDA, the American Psychiatric Association, The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), and The Royal College of Psychiatrists. Here are some of the reasons why TMS is becoming a standard of care:

  • Safe:

Studies show TMS is a safe and well tolerated treatment*

  • Effective:

2/3 of patients with treatment resistant depression gain positive response from TMS*

  • Non invasive:

TMS is an outpatient therapy with no anesthesia required. Patients can return to normal activities following treatment.

  • Few Side Effects:

TMS has few known adverse effects.*