A Sudden Cardiac Arrest victim’s chance of survival decreases by seven to 10 percent for every minute without defibrillation.
With an average response time of seven minutes by EMS, law enforcement is often the first to arrive on the scene of cardiac emergency situations. Equipping police patrol vehicles with automatic external defibrillators can increase survival rates of SCA victims by providing possible lifesaving defibrillation as early as possible.
AED basics
AEDs are lightweight, portable devices designed to save people experiencing SCA in a public setting and can be used on children, teens and adults. Bystanders can operate them by following audible and visual instructions during an emergency.
Defibrillators detect the heart’s rhythm and send potentially lifesaving shocks to the heart if needed. They can help correct an arrhythmia and restore a normal heartbeat if the heart suddenly stops beating.
Law enforcement and AEDs
Studies show police AED programs help decrease the time from the 000 call to first defibrillation and improve the overall survival rates.
How to use an AED as a first responder
1. Start CPR
2. Locate an AED
3. Place electrodes on the chest according to AED instructions
4. If the AED advises a shock, ensure the area around the person is clear
5. Follow the voice prompts from the AED until EMS arrives
The device may instruct you to begin CPR again after analyzing the victim’s heart rhythm. It is critical to provide as much continuous CPR as possible throughout a resuscitation for the best chance of survival. Some AEDs, like Stryker’s LIFEPAK CR2 defibrillator, deliver escalating energy if multiple shocks are needed for difficult-to-defibrillate patients

Why Partner with Defibrillators Australia?
- 10 years’ experience in the health industry, specialising in Defibrillators.
- No.1 Customer Service Team called our HeartSafeAngels
- 8 Year Warranty & on-going Support.
- 8 Year Customer Service “Heart Shield” Program.
- Highest quality and reliable Defibrillators in the world.
- Excellent resource library.
- Small caring Family team.
- Phone support when you need it.
- Best pricing guarantee.
- Dedicated YouTube Channel with training videos
How Defibrillators Australia can help!
Our AEDs offer the highest available escalating energy, exclusive technology and management programs designed with both patients and responders in mind.
The LIFEPAK CR2 AED allows you to focus on your job, not the AED, with bold, clear graphics and easy voice instructions. Our cprINSIGHT analysis technology automatically analyzes and detects if a shock is needed during chest compressions without pausing during ECG rhythm analysis.
The LIFEPAK 1000 AED is rugged and easy to use. This AED combines the simplicity of an AED with clear guidance, including onscreen and audio prompts with the flexibility of manual mode operation when indicated. This powerful AED combines basic guidance with advanced operational control, enabling responders to deliver fast, appropriate treatment.
The HeartSine samaritan PAD 350P/360P AEDs transport easily in tight spaces as the smallest and lightest public access defibrillators (PADs) on the market. Proprietary electrode technology and SCOPE biphasic technology automatically adjust for differences in patient response to intervention.
The HeartSine samaritan PAD 500P AED includes unique visual and verbal feedback on the rate of applied CPR with integrated CPR Rate Advisor.