Introducing our Portable UVC sterilizer! Keep germs at bay whether at home or on the go. With long-lasting sterilization capabilities, it's your perfect companion for a cleaner, healthier environment anytime, anywhere.
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Portable UVC
Keep you going for hours of sterilization need. Use at home or taken on the go for disinfection.
Ionizing radiation vs Non-ionizing radiation
Ionizing radiation damages bacterial DNA by breaking DNA strands and causing chemical changes.
It generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) that damage cellular components like proteins, lipids, and DNA.
Ionizing radiation disrupts protein structures, leading to dysfunction of essential cellular processes.
Cell membranes can be damaged, causing leakage of cellular components.
Ionizing radiation inhibits bacterial reproduction and division.
The effectiveness of ionizing radiation depends on factors like radiation dose and bacterial species.
Ionizing radiation is used for sterilization and disinfection in healthcare and food safety applications.
Distribution: Australia, South East Asia, and New Zealand
Location: Epping , NSW
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