Radiometer launches new point-of-care test for procalcitonin, aiding diagnosis of sepsis

Radiometer has launched a rapid, acute care procalcitonin (PCT) assay to aid in the diagnosis of sepsis, further extending the AQT90 FLEX test menu

Sepsis is the most prevalent and severe infection-related condition and can be difficult to identify, particularly in the initial stages. This presents a considerable diagnostic challenge to emergency department and intensive care clinicians. Undetected, it can quickly progress to severe sepsis or septic shock and, as its severity increases, mortality rates can reach 50 %. In septic patients with hypotension, a delay of just one hour in administering antibiotic therapy increases the risk of mortality by 7 %, making early identification of sepsis and initiation of appropriate antibiotic treatment vital. Radiometer’s AQT90 FLEX PCT assay enables early and convenient measurement of PCT – the biomarker of choice to aid diagnosis of sepsis – with results available to treating physicians in less than 21 minutes.

The easy-to-use AQT90 FLEX PCT assay is a key aid for timely diagnosis and treatment of sepsis. Procalcitonin, normally present in the blood at a very low level, is released in larger amounts in response to an infection, acting as a risk indicator for sepsis. With a negative predictive value above 95 %, it is widely acknowledged as the most sensitive biomarker to aid diagnosis of bacterial sepsis. The AQT90 FLEX PCT assay offers laboratory quality, quantitative determination of procalcitonin in whole blood or plasma at the point of patient care. Prehandling of whole blood samples is not required and turnaround times are improved, enabling earlier detection of sepsis for better patient outcomes.