flashID™ Classic Emergency Identification ...
Small, lightweight and rugged, the flashID Classic may be attached to a keyring, lanyard or mobile phone, or simply carried in a pocket, handbag or purse.
Both sides of the device carry the flashID white cross symbol on the international emergency green background for rapid recognition by emergency personnel.
Information can be accessed quickly on virtually any Windows computer.
RRP $49.50 plus postage
To contact FlashID International about flashID™ Classic Emergency Identification Device use Get a quote.
Small, lightweight and rugged, the flashID Classic may be attached to a keyring, lanyard or mobile phone, or simply carried in a pocket, handbag or purse.
Both sides of the device carry the flashID white cross symbol on the international emergency green background for rapid recognition by emergency personnel.
Information can be accessed quickly on virtually any Windows computer.
RRP $49.50 plus postage
To contact FlashID International about flashID™ Classic Emergency Identification Device use Get a quote.
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