Medical and Dental Equipment, Sales and ...


IT Products (ICONA)



Keilor Park, VIC

Trade Assurance

Distribution: Australia & New Zealand

Established: 2013

Employees: 21-50

Memberships: ISO13485, ISO9001, Directive 93/42/ECC,

Certifications: TGA Registered

Customers: Government agencies, public and private healthcare facilities, corporates

Level: SitePartner Storefront


  • Wireless Silicone Keyboard and Mouse
    ICONA Wireless Silicone Keyboard and Mouse
  • Fire CR Phosphor Plate Reader
    Digiray Fire CR Phosphor Plate Reader
  • Medical Silicone Keyboard and Mouse
    ICONA Medical Silicone Keyboard and Mouse
  • Healthcare Keyboard - Waterproof
    ICONA Healthcare Keyboard - Waterproof
  • Medical Grade Monitor 17"- 24"
    Exorvision Medical Grade Monitor 17"- 24"

Trade Assurance

Distribution: Australia & New Zealand

Established: 2013

Employees: 21-50

Memberships: ISO13485, ISO9001, Directive 93/42/ECC,

Certifications: TGA Registered

Customers: Government agencies, public and private healthcare facilities, corporates

Level: SitePartner Storefront


Contact ICONA