Fast, reliable and effective, MultiPulse HoPLUS provides unmatched precision and safety during all phases of surgery. Ideal for both surgical treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and endoscopic treatments of lithotripsy.
4-6 weeks (Accepting orders)
Advantages for the surgeon:
High power laser
High peak power (with a wide range of power to get maximum operating efficiency)
High pulse repetition rate
Fast vaporization and cutting with excellent hemostasis
Ability to always perform the histopathological exam of enucleated tissue samples (for the MultiPulse HoPLUS is an integrated morcellator available)
High versatility in endourology
Easy to install and operate
Advantages for the patient:
Minimally invasive surgery
Low probability of bleeding: recommended also for patients treated with anticoagulants
Low rate of side effects
Shorter catheter application time in the post-operative phase
Shorter hospital stay and recovery time
Low rate of recurrences
Immediate relief of symptoms
To contact Innologic about Jena Surgical MultiPulse Holmium 150W Laser with Morcellator use Get a quote.
Advantages for the surgeon:
High power laser
High peak power (with a wide range of power to get maximum operating efficiency)
High pulse repetition rate
Fast vaporization and cutting with excellent hemostasis
Ability to always perform the histopathological exam of enucleated tissue samples (for the MultiPulse HoPLUS is an integrated morcellator available)
High versatility in endourology
Easy to install and operate
Advantages for the patient:
Minimally invasive surgery
Low probability of bleeding: recommended also for patients treated with anticoagulants
Low rate of side effects
Shorter catheter application time in the post-operative phase