The TMI Aerobika OPEP device works with your lungs natural response.
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What Does the Aerobika OPEP device do?
As you exhale through the device, you will feel very quick vibrations, which are pulses of resistance. These pulses of resistance hold your airways open while thinning and loosening mucus - helping move it to the larger airways f your lungs, where it can be coughed out.
What are the benefits of using the Aerobika* OPEP device?
Easier to clear excess mucus
Decreased cough frequency
Reduced feeling of breathlessness
Improved ability to perform daily activities
Better quality of life
To contact Rapid Rescue Pty Ltd about TMI Aerobika OPEP Device use Get a quote.
What Does the Aerobika OPEP device do?
As you exhale through the device, you will feel very quick vibrations, which are pulses of resistance. These pulses of resistance hold your airways open while thinning and loosening mucus - helping move it to the larger airways f your lungs, where it can be coughed out.
What are the benefits of using the Aerobika* OPEP device?